Saturday, November 9, 2013

giant soft pretzels

I've been threatening for weeks to make giant soft pretzels, after my yoga instructor mentioned it during class one day.

I kept putting it off though, because it seemed like an all day project. bread? must rise. then you have to shape them, and rise again. then you have to boil them in baking soda, and rise again. then you actually have to cook them!

But yesterday I was actually free all afternoon, and I took the plunge.

mmmm pretzel
I used this king arthur flour recipe (and king arthur flour!), but I subbed 1/2 the white flour for whole wheat pastry flour. Make's it slightly healthier. I also skipped the butter at the end, but opted to dunk in melted (vegan) butter and rub on a cinnamon sugar coating.

They're pretty good - not as pretzel-y as I'd like, but tasty. 


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